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  • Kerala, India

International B2B Delegations and Innovation Meets

Challenge: Startups and SMEs often face significant challenges when trying to expand into global markets, including limited access to international networks, understanding of foreign markets, and resources for scaling their operations globally. These businesses required a platform that could facilitate meaningful connections and provide them with the tools and opportunities needed to succeed on an international scale.

IMark Global, through its platform Marketnext, organized a series of international B2B delegations and innovation meets across key global markets, including South Africa, Zambia, and Singapore. With an established presence in 25 countries, Marketnext has facilitated both physical and digital meets, helping hundreds of companies expand into global markets. These events were strategically designed to support startups and SMEs by:


  • Expand Networks: Connect with potential partners, investors, and customers in new markets.
  • Gain Market Insights: Understand the dynamics of foreign markets and identify opportunities for growth.
  • Showcase Innovations: Present their products and services to a global audience, gaining exposure and credibility.


  • Global Market Entry: Many participating startups and SMEs successfully entered new markets, establishing a presence in regions where they previously had little or no footprint.
  • Increased Partnerships: The events resulted in numerous partnerships and collaborations, enhancing the ability of these businesses to scale internationally.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Through these delegations and meets, Marketnext helped startups and SMEs increase their visibility on a global stage, positioning them for future growth and expansion.

IMark Global’s strategic approach in organizing these international events has played a crucial role in empowering startups and SMEs to overcome barriers and seize global opportunities, driving their success in the international marketplace.

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